Amber Gibson Murder: Brothers Heinous Crime Revealed

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Amber Gibson murder at the hands of her brother, Connor Gibson, sent shockwaves through the community, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of all who knew her. 

The subsequent trial revealed the harrowing details of the crime, exposing Stephen Corrigan’s disturbing involvement.

The town of Hamilton was deeply affected by the devastating incident, and it might never fully recover from losing a young life.

Nevertheless, amidst this heart-wrenching tragedy, the pursuit of justice offers a glimmer of hope for healing and closure.

Inside the shocking crime 

The court convicted Connor Gibson, aged 20, of attacking his sister, Amber, in the woodland area of Hamilton on November 26, 2021.

In the act of violence, he removed her clothes, s*xually assaulted her with the intent to rape, inflicted severe blunt force trauma to her head and body, and ultimately strangled her to death.

The discovery and a desperate search

On the evening of November 26, 2021, the community and authorities reported Amber missing, causing a lot of worry and urgency.

As time passed, the hope of finding her safe and sound faded. 

On November 28, 2021, just two days later, a heartbreaking discovery shook the calm and peaceful Cadzow Glen.

Amber’s lifeless body, covered in mud, revealed the terrible things she had to endure in her last moments. The sight was chilling and distressing.

 A disturbing farewell

In a disturbing turn of events, Connor Gibson posted a haunting tribute to his sister on Facebook the day before his arrest. 

The post contained affectionate words, all the more unsettling considering the sinister truth behind his seemingly heartfelt words.

This Facebook post provided a notice into the depths of Connor’s twisted mind, revealing a stark contrast between the persona he projected and the monstrous acts he had committed.

The forensic and DNA evidence

During the trial, the court heard from a forensic pathologist who conducted the post-mortem examination of Amber’s body. 

The shocking details revealed that she had suffered “compression of the neck,” pointing directly to the cause of death—strangulation.

Forensic experts presented damning evidence that tied Connor Gibson to the crime scene. 

Forensic experts found “widespread blood staining” on his jacket, which matched Amber’s blood. 

They also discovered his DNA on her forcibly torn shorts, which she had been wearing as underwear.

The forensic evidence proved damning, revealing Stephen Corrigan’s DNA on 39 areas of Amber’s body, including intimate parts, raising more questions about his involvement.

Troubled relationships and foster care

Craig Niven, Amber and Connor’s former foster father, testified about their troubled relationship, explaining why he avoided leaving the siblings alone. 

The Nivens had been fostering the pair since Amber was three and Connor was five, later being granted permanent care of the siblings.

At the time of the Amber Gibson murder, Connor was residing at the Blue Triangle homeless hostel in Hamilton, while Amber was residing at Hillhouse Children’s home in the same town.

The mysterious phone messages

During the trial, a member of Police Scotland’s cybercrime group, Peter Benson, examined a phone found in Connor Gibson’s possession.

This phone was crucial in shedding light on the events before the Amber Gibson murder.

The messages sent from the phone to a Snapchat group and Amber Gibson herself raised suspicions about what had happened in the days leading up to the discovery of Amber’s body. 

Additionally, the phone’s search history revealed that the user was actively looking for ways to avoid police monitoring, adding further intrigue to the investigation.

Stephen Corrigan’s involvement and a conviction with denials 

During the trial, it became evident that Stephen Corrigan, a 45-year-old individual, was also involved in the crime.

The court found him guilty of attempting to obstruct justice and breaching the peace by inappropriately touching and hiding Amber’s body after discovering it sometime after the Amber Gibson murder.

Although Stephen Corrigan denied the charges and presented an alibi defence, the evidence presented led to his conviction.

The court heard testimony from his father, William Corrigan, who claimed his son was at their home in Blantyre, South Lanarkshire.

 During the murder, he is trying to support his son’s innocence.

The verdict was delivered and a delayed sentencing 

During the trial, Judge Mulholland was prominent and firm in his disapproval of Stephen Corrigan. He openly expressed that he found his actions deeply troubling and horrifying.

A young girl tragically lost her life, which made Corrigan’s interference with the crime scene even more reprehensible.

Corrigan tampered with evidence and chose not to seek help from the authorities, leaving no doubt in the judge’s mind about the severity of the punishment he deserved.

The judge deferred the sentencing until September 4 due to the seriousness of the crimes committed by Connor Gibson and Stephen Corrigan.

This delay allowed the consideration of pleas in mitigation and thorough background reports.

The court needed to consider all relevant factors and circumstances surrounding the Amber Gibson murder case to ensure that justice was served appropriately. 

The judge wanted to ensure that he handed down a fair and just punishment, reflecting the gravity of their actions and their impact on the victim’s life and her loved ones.
