Baron Corbin Initially Aimed for UFC Before WWE Opportunity

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Baron Corbin has been part of WWE for ten years now, and he made the most out of any role that was given to him. In fact, Corbin has gone through various changes over the years and remains relevant even now. That said, it appears he wanted to join the UFC before his WWE tryout.

Baron Corbin is a former Golden Gloves Boxer and had a football career before joining WWE. After his football career ended, he had to decide what to do next and decided pro wrestling was his calling.

While speaking with Sean Sapp, the current NXT Superstar revealed that he actually considered joining the world of UFC before he had his WWE tryout. This is because Corbin had a connection to someone who worked within the promotion.

“I know that in the early stages of Ultimate Fighter, I was looking at going and being on the one with Rashad Evans and all those guys, but I had a football scholarship, and I was going to college, so I couldn’t do that,” he said. “When I was done playing football, I was asked at a table, I was sitting there with a guy who was a manager of a rock and roll band. He’s like, ‘What do you want to do if you’re done playing football?’ I was like, ‘Man, I think I am done. My passion is not there for it.’ He’s like, ‘Do you want to do UFC?’ I said, ‘I either want to do UFC or WWE. So I’ve always been a massive WWE fan.’ He’s like, ‘I have a connection with WWE. It’s Neil, the music guy. Let me put a call into him, go see if you’d like it.’ Because that was the thing, it was like, I’m either gonna try to fight in the octagon, or I’m gonna go to WWE, and I had the opportunity for WWE first, and then that’s where they’re at.

I still get that itch, though. I still am like, man, ‘Should I go try to do like a new NAGA Ju-Jitsu Tournament? Should I try to fight in the Golden Gloves again, or should I try to fight Jake Paul? It’s one of those things

With WWE and UFC under the same umbrella now, perhaps fans might get to see Baron Corbin step into the Octagon somewhere down the line. After all, a crossover between WWE and UFC could still happen one day.

What’s your view on what Baron Corbin said? Do you believe he would have been a good fighter in the UFC? Let us know in the comments!

September 23, 2023 8:41 am
