How did Courtney Coco die?

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Courtney Coco, 19, was a Northwestern State College understudy studying law enforcement when her severely disintegrated body was tracked down in an unwanted structure in Willie, Texas, in 2004. Coco evaporated from her folks’ home while they were out on a setting up camp excursion. While the reason for death wasn’t quickly settled, specialists later discovered that she was covered to death with a cushion.

Reports express that Coco’s case was tackled over 16 years some other time when David Anthony Consumes, her senior sister’s life partner and the 19-year-old’s mysterious beau, was captured after witnesses approached charging that he had confessed to the wrongdoing, a detail police neglected to specify during the beginning phases of the examination. Consumes was condemned to life in jail without the chance for further appeal last November.

Courtney Coco’s case from 2004, which stood out as truly newsworthy indeed last year, and her family’s battle for equity is set to be included on NBC Dateline’s all-new episode named Who Killed Courtney Coco?

The two-hour episode is scheduled to air this Friday, April 14, 2023, at 9:00 pm ET. The rundown states:

“At the point when a young lady’s body is found in an unwanted structure, it ignites an examination that endures almost twenty years and pushes one family’s own quest for justice.”Courtney Coco was house-sitting her folks’ canine for the end of the week when she vanished from their home

In 2004, Courtney Coco, a new alumni from Alexandria Senior Secondary School, was studying law enforcement at Northwestern State College in Louisiana. She resided without anyone else in Alexandria, Louisiana, three miles from her folks’ home and functioned as a secretary at a dental office.

It was during the first day of the season of squirrel season, which is October 1 of that year, when Coco was over at her folks’ home to take care of their canine while they were out on a setting up camp excursion, which the 19-year-old would not go to on the grounds that she wasn’t “actually the setting up camp sort.” All things being equal, she chose to take care of their canine until their return two days after the fact. Unfortunately, around that time, she vanished from the house.

On October 4, 2004, Courtney Coco’s mom, Stephanie Belgard, got an unfortunate call from an Alexandria Cop, who illuminated her that “they tracked down a body in Texas… wearing Courtney’s graduation ring.” Belgard purportedly let Dateline know that she assumed she was hearing things, accepting that it could never have been her girl. She said,

“Like perhaps somebody had taken her ring. I just dropped the telephone and tumbled to the floor.”

Coco’s to some degree dressed body was purportedly found in an unwanted structure on the edges of Winnie, Texas, nearly three hours’ drive from where she dwelled in Alexandria, Louisiana, according to the Alexandria Police Division. A development specialist passing the structure in an excavator tracked down Courtney’s body and called 911.

In view of the body’s decay, specialists presumed that she had been dead for three to four days. Regardless, because of the body’s gravely deteriorated express, a post-mortem examination played out the day after couldn’t affirm the specific reason for death. Notwithstanding, the high schooler’s passing was pronounced a manslaughter, prompting the beginning of a years-in length examination.

The casualty’s green 1999 Pontiac Bonneville was found in Houston, Texas, on October 12. The people found possessing the vehicle were grilled. Every last bit of her effects were still inside the vehicle alongside blood in the storage compartment. In those days, specialists were simply ready to affirm that the DNA found was a mix of Coco’s and that of an obscure male because of constraints in DNA innovation.

Courtney Coco’s homicide case stayed perplexing until 2019, when her family, frantic for replies, reached out to a resigned murder investigator and digital broadcast have Woody Overton, who then shared his discoveries on his web recording Genuine Wrongdoing. He revealed that he got a mind-boggling reaction, led innumerable meetings, and got a new glance at the case.

“It’s one of the most bizarre and startling eyewitness stories that I’ve ever run across.”

Watch Friday at 9/8c on an all-new 2-hour #Dateline mystery.

— Dateline NBC (@DatelineNBC) April 13, 2023

Overton guaranteed he accepted that she was choked to death on October 2, 2004, soon after 12 PM. Her body was then positioned in her vehicle’s trunk prior to being unloaded in the unwanted Winnie building. In 2019, the new discoveries prompted the capture of 43-year-old David Anthony Copies, who was locked in to Coco’s sister at the hour of the homicide and was additionally in a supposed relationship with the person in question.

Reports express that Consumes had been a suspect for the situation beginning around 2011. Various observers approached, claiming that Consumes had confessed to covering the casualty with a pad in her room prior to enclosing the body by a blanket and unloading it where it was found. The blanket being referred to was one of the things missing from the house.

David Anthony Consumes, who was prosecuted on a second-degree murder accusation for the situation, was indicted for the killing on October 31, 2022, and was condemned to life in jail without the chance of parole a month after the fact.
