Kamala Says Hulk Hogan is Not a Racist, Talks Their Relationship, Recalls Vince McMahons Racial C

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Finding out his pay was drastically smaller compared to his opponents:

Summer Slam 92 that’s when I worked with The Undertaker and we got paid two or three weeks later. Steve Lombardi who was my Kim-Chee, he was a part of the office and could get away with anything, so he went into Pat Patterson’s dressing room and he came back out and he told that he knew how much I made for Summer Slam. He said you made $13,000. I didn’t think that Pat would carry something like that in his book because he was just a booker.  He showed it to me that Undertaker made a half million dollars. Steve told me himself that Vince (McMahon) didn’t really like black people and even after Steve told me that Vince always treated me nice, I got along very good with Vince but that was before all the “kayfabing” and Steve told me that he (Vince) wasn’t going to pay you the way he pays a white man. I kind of knew that or believed that anyway but after I found out what The Undertaker made if that was true then I should have definitely made more than that.

An explicit example of comments made by Vince McMahon  that could be considered controversial:

There was one time where Chief Jay Strongbow was an agent when I was there and Chief came in and Vince was at one of the shows and he (Chief) was talking to Vince and I was sitting there and he told Vince that he was so full because he stopped at one of those soul-food restaurants and the food was so good. I heard Vince say “well did they shine yours shoes?” So that made me think he was and that was kind of racial.

Did he pull a gun on Andre The Giant after he was called a racial slur in the ring:

I had never wrestled him before and Andre and I were in the ring and there was a spot that the finishes were being told by the referee. I may have gotten a spot mixed up and Andre pulled me up off him and called me a dumb S.O.B and he jumped up and that’s when I beat the hell out of him. Right there in the ring and that was for real. After that, the next night we were wrestling each other in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and I had a .357 magnum and I put it in my pocket and I went over to Andre The Giant in his dressing room, stuck my finger on his nose and he threw up both hands, he didn’t see a gun and said I’m sorry boss, I didn’t mean to say that or do that. After that Andre and I had good matches everywhere we went and we went all over.  I never had another problem with Andre.

Kamala also discusses the origins of his gimmick, Jerry Lalwer, loving the Mid-South territory, Skandar Ackbar, working with Daniel Bryan in ROH, his legacy in the business and his autobiography Kamala Speaks.

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