Who Owns Fiji Water? Fiji Water Company History

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Fiji Water is a renowned brand of premium bottled water that originates from the pristine shores of Fiji. Since its establishment in 1996, Fiji Water has gained recognition for its commitment to providing high-quality water sourced from an underground aquifer in the Yaqara Valley of Viti Levu, the largest island in Fiji. This popular brand has a fascinating history, starting with its founder and eventually transitioning into the hands of its current owners.

Key Takeaways:

The History of Fiji Water

Fiji Water, a renowned brand in the bottled water industry, has a fascinating history that dates back to 1996. It all began when Canadian businessman David Gilmour founded the company under the name Natural Waters of Viti Ltd.

In 2004, Fiji Water caught the attention of the Resnick family’s company, Roll Global, who saw the potential in this premium bottled water brand. The Resnicks’ acquisition of Fiji Water for a reported $50 million gave the brand a new direction and opened doors to significant growth and success.

Roll Global, now known as The Wonderful Company, is a prominent holding company that owns other well-known brands such as Teleflora, POM Wonderful, and Suterra. With their expertise and resources, Fiji Water flourished and positioned itself as a leader in the industry.

The acquisition marked a turning point for Fiji Water, propelling it to become an iconic brand known for its exceptional quality and commitment to delivering pristine water from the beautiful islands of Fiji to consumers worldwide.

The Founder’s Vision

David Gilmour envisioned Fiji Water as a brand that would not only provide the purest and finest drinking water but also support the local communities in Fiji. His passion for the Fijian people and their natural resources laid the foundation for Fiji Water’s commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

The sequel follows…

The Controversies Surrounding Fiji Water

Fiji Water has been at the center of several controversies, raising concerns about its ownership, ethical implications, and environmental impact.

Ownership and Ethical Concerns

One of the main controversies surrounding Fiji Water is its ownership and the ethical implications of profiting from a resource that belongs to a developing country. As a company headquartered in Los Angeles, owned by the Resnick family, questions have been raised about the fairness of extracting Fiji’s water for profit.

While Fiji Water provides jobs and economic benefits to the local communities in Fiji, critics argue that the company’s ownership structure and refusal to pay increased taxes contribute to inequality and further exploit the country’s resources.

Environmental Impact and Plastic Waste

Another significant concern revolves around Fiji Water’s environmental impact. The company’s carbon footprint, resulting from shipping bottled water across the globe, is a source of worry for environmental activists. The transportation process contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and raises questions about the sustainability of such operations.

In addition, Fiji Water’s use of plastic bottles has drawn criticism due to the potential environmental consequences associated with plastic waste. The production and disposal of single-use plastic bottles contribute to pollution and pose a threat to marine life.

fiji water ownership

Complicity and Transparency

There are concerns about Fiji Water’s relationship with the Fijian government and whether the company acts as a willing participant in any unfair practices. Critics argue that Fiji Water’s refusal to pay increased taxes, despite its lucrative operations, suggests potential complicity in policies that may not benefit the entirety of Fiji’s population.

Furthermore, Fiji Water has faced scrutiny regarding its transparency. Questions have been raised about the company’s environmental initiatives and its commitment to offsetting its carbon footprint. The doubts surrounding the company’s transparency exacerbate concerns about its ethical practices.

Ownership and EthicsProfit from a developing country
Environmental ImpactCarbon footprint and plastic waste
Complicity and TransparencyFijian government relations and lack of transparency

The Environmental Impact of Fiji Water

Fiji Water has faced criticism for its significant environmental impact, particularly in relation to its carbon footprint and plastic waste. The transportation of bottled water from Fiji to the United States contributes to a substantial carbon footprint due to the long-distance travel involved.

Producing just one Fiji Water bottle consumes approximately 1.75 gallons of water and requires 2,000 times more energy than tap water. These factors contribute to the overall environmental impact of the company and raise concerns about its sustainability practices.

Image related to the environmental impact of Fiji Water:

fiji water environmental impact

The use of large diesel generators in the bottling plant further exacerbates Fiji Water’s environmental footprint. While the company has made some efforts to address these issues and reduce its carbon footprint and plastic waste, there are still ongoing concerns about the overall sustainability practices of Fiji Water.

Addressing these environmental concerns is essential for Fiji Water to mitigate its impact on the environment and strive for more sustainable practices in the future.

Environmental ImpactKey Details
Carbon FootprintTransportation of bottled water from Fiji to the US contributes to a significant carbon footprint.
Plastic WasteProducing one Fiji Water bottle uses 1.75 gallons of water and 2,000 times more energy than tap water.
Energy ConsumptionProduction processes require significant energy, impacting overall environmental sustainability.
Bottling PlantThe use of large diesel generators increases Fiji Water’s environmental footprint.
Sustainability EffortsFiji Water has implemented initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and plastic waste, but concerns remain about the company’s overall sustainability practices.

The Marketing Strategy of Fiji Water

Fiji Water has positioned itself as a premium and high-quality brand through its successful marketing strategy. The company’s slogan, “Earth’s finest water,” creates an emotional appeal and a sense of exclusivity among consumers. This marketing approach emphasizes the superior quality and purity of Fiji Water, appealing to those seeking a luxurious bottled water experience.

One of the notable marketing campaigns by Fiji Water was a controversial advertisement in 2006. The ad compared Fiji Water to tap water in Cleveland, highlighting the brand’s superiority in taste and quality. While this campaign garnered criticism, it also generated significant attention, further establishing Fiji Water’s brand image and popularity.

To showcase the appeal of Fiji Water, an image that captures the essence of the brand can be seen below:

fiji water marketing strategy

Fiji Water’s marketing efforts extend beyond traditional advertisements. The brand has also collaborated with influencers and celebrities to promote its products, enhancing its reach and visibility. The overall marketing strategy of Fiji Water has contributed to its sustained popularity and strong brand image within the bottled water industry.

Key Marketing Initiatives of Fiji Water:

Through these marketing initiatives, Fiji Water has solidified its position as a leading premium bottled water brand, appealing to consumers who value quality and exclusivity.

Promotion of Fiji Water as a premium brandControversial marketing campaigns may lead to negative perception
Collaboration with influencers and celebrities for increased visibilityCriticism for potentially misleading marketing claims
Successful integration of Fiji Water into pop cultureDependency on celebrity endorsements for brand image

Fiji Water’s Impact on Fiji’s Water Resources

While Fiji Water has established itself as a successful player in the bottled water industry, questions have arisen about its impact on Fiji’s water resources and access to clean water. As of 2018, approximately 12% of the Fijian population did not have access to clean drinking water, highlighting a pressing issue within the country.

Fiji Water’s extraction of water from the aquifer has raised concerns regarding the sustainability of Fiji’s water resources. The large-scale removal of water from the aquifer can disrupt the natural balance, potentially affecting water availability for both the population and the ecosystem.

Furthermore, the company’s reliance on a diesel-powered bottling plant raises additional environmental concerns. The use of diesel fuel contributes to carbon emissions, exacerbating climate change and its subsequent impact on water resources worldwide.

Despite Fiji Water being a major exporter of water, it is important to recognize the challenges that Fiji itself faces in providing clean and accessible water to its population. The export-oriented focus of the company may divert water resources away from local needs, further straining the already limited access to clean water for Fijians.

Fiji Water’s Impact on Water Resources

Extraction of water from the aquiferRisk to overall water availability and ecosystem
Reliance on diesel-powered bottling plantContribution to carbon emissions and climate change
Export-oriented focusPotential diversion of water resources from local needs

It is essential to address these concerns and work towards sustainable practices that balance economic opportunities with environmental responsibility. Protecting Fiji’s water resources and ensuring access to clean drinking water for all should be a priority for both Fiji Water and the Fijian government.

fiji water impact on water resources

FIJI Water’s Contribution to Fijian Economy

Fiji Water plays a crucial role in the Fijian economy, contributing significantly to its growth and development. As one of the top export products in the country, the export of bottled water, including Fiji Water, generates substantial revenue and economic benefits.

In the year 2020 alone, the export of mineral water, such as Fiji Water, contributed a staggering $102.3 million to Fiji’s economy. This revenue not only supports the local communities but also creates job opportunities, further enhancing the economic landscape.

The export of Fiji Water and other bottled water products showcases the country’s ability to harness its natural resources and capitalize on its unique offerings. Fiji Water’s success as a globally recognized brand contributes to the positive perception of Fiji as a producer of high-quality products.

However, it is worth noting that the distribution of this revenue and its overall impact on the Fijian economy may vary. While Fiji Water’s contribution is substantial, it is essential to consider other factors such as diversification of industries and equitable wealth distribution for a comprehensive understanding of the economy.

Benefits of Fiji Water’s Contribution to Fijian Economy:

fiji water contribution to fijian economy

Fiji Water’s Transparency and Social Initiatives

Fiji Water has been the subject of criticism regarding its transparency, particularly in relation to its environmental initiatives and carbon offset programs. There have been doubts surrounding the company’s commitment to sustainability, as its promise to offset its carbon footprint through a planting scheme has not been fully realized.

Despite these concerns, Fiji Water has also made efforts to engage in various social initiatives that have had a positive impact on local communities and the quality of drinking water in Fiji. The company has provided job opportunities to the people of Fiji, contributing to economic growth in the region.

While the overall transparency and impact of Fiji Water’s social initiatives may be subject to scrutiny, it is important to recognize the positive contributions they have made to the local community.

fiji water transparency and social initiatives

Fiji Water’s Environmental Initiatives

To address concerns about its environmental impact, Fiji Water has taken steps to reduce its carbon footprint and plastic waste. The company has implemented energy-efficient measures in its bottling plants and has invested in renewable energy sources. It has also introduced eco-friendly packaging initiatives to minimize plastic waste.

Supporting Clean Water Initiatives

In addition to its environmental efforts, Fiji Water has been actively involved in supporting projects aimed at improving access to clean drinking water in Fiji. The company has collaborated with local organizations and NGOs to implement initiatives that provide clean water resources to communities in need.

Through these social initiatives, Fiji Water has made a tangible positive impact on the lives of individuals in Fiji, highlighting its commitment to both social responsibility and sustainability.

Perception and Popularity of Fiji Water

Despite the controversies and criticisms, Fiji Water maintains a strong presence in the bottled water market, enjoying a reputation as a sought-after brand among celebrities and consumers who value premium products. The perception of Fiji Water as a luxury and high-quality option contributes significantly to its popularity, drawing loyal customers who appreciate its unique characteristics.

This brand has garnered recognition through successful marketing campaigns and pop culture moments, further solidifying its position in the market. From celebrity endorsements to strategic partnerships, Fiji Water has effectively utilized various platforms to elevate its brand image and increase consumer awareness.

However, it is important to note that discussions surrounding Fiji Water also shed light on concerns regarding its ethics, environmental impact, and transparency. The controversies have raised questions among consumers, prompting them to carefully consider these factors before making purchasing decisions.

Environmental Impact and Ethical Considerations

These factors reflect the complex relationship between consumer perception, popularity, and the broader considerations surrounding Fiji Water as a brand. While its popularity remains strong, consumers are becoming increasingly discerning and mindful of the larger environmental and ethical implications of their choices.

Fiji Water bottle

Perceived as a premium and high-quality brandEnvironmental impact and carbon footprint
Recognized through successful marketing campaignsSustainability and resource consumption
Preferred choice among celebrities and consumers seeking luxury productsTransparency and ethical considerations

Consumer perception and popularity play significant roles in the success of Fiji Water. However, consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental and ethical aspects associated with their choices, which may influence their purchasing decisions in the bottled water market. It is essential for individuals to make informed choices and weigh the perceived benefits against the concerns surrounding Fiji Water and other options available in the market.

Prices of Bottled Water in Fiji

The prices of bottled water in Fiji vary depending on the brand and size of the bottle. Aqua Pacific, Crystal Geyser, and Vai Wai are some of the other bottled water brands available in Fiji. The prices range from $1.00 to $2.20 for different size bottles. Fiji Water is priced at $1.85 for a 500ml bottle. These prices reflect the market competition and the demand for bottled water in Fiji.

bottled water prices in Fiji


In conclusion, Fiji Water, owned by the Resnick family’s company, Roll Global, has established itself as a popular and successful brand in the bottled water industry. However, it has not been without controversy. Concerns have been raised about its ownership, environmental impact, and transparency.

While Fiji Water contributes to the economy of Fiji by providing job opportunities and generating export revenue, ethical concerns persist regarding its practices and the sustainability of Fiji’s water resources. The company’s carbon footprint and plastic waste have also come under scrutiny.

Consumers should carefully consider these factors before making a decision to purchase Fiji Water or explore other bottled water alternatives. By making an informed choice, individuals can align their values and priorities with the brand they support.


Who owns Fiji Water?

Fiji Water is owned by the Resnick family’s company, Roll Global.

When was Fiji Water founded?

Fiji Water was founded in 1996.

What is the history of Fiji Water?

Fiji Water was founded in 1996 by Canadian businessman David Gilmour. It was acquired by Roll Global in 2004.

What are the controversies surrounding Fiji Water?

Some of the controversies surrounding Fiji Water include concerns about its ownership, ethical implications, and environmental impact.

What is the environmental impact of Fiji Water?

Fiji Water has been criticized for its carbon footprint, plastic waste, and energy consumption in production.

What is Fiji Water’s marketing strategy?

Fiji Water positions itself as a premium brand and uses slogans like “Earth’s finest water” to create an emotional appeal and sense of exclusivity.

What is the impact of Fiji Water on Fiji’s water resources?

There are concerns about the sustainability of Fiji’s water resources due to Fiji Water’s extraction and bottling processes.

How does Fiji Water contribute to the Fijian economy?

The export of Fiji Water and other bottled water products provides economic benefits to the local communities and contributes to Fiji’s economy.

What is Fiji Water’s transparency and involvement in social initiatives?

Fiji Water has faced criticism for its lack of transparency, but it has also been involved in providing jobs and supporting projects to improve drinking water in Fiji.

Why is Fiji Water popular?

Fiji Water is popular due to its perception as a high-quality and luxury brand, as well as its marketing efforts and endorsements from celebrities.

What are the prices of bottled water in Fiji?

The prices of bottled water in Fiji range from $1.00 to $2.20 for different sizes. Fiji Water is priced at $1.85 for a 500ml bottle.
