Fans React to 'RHOC' Star Briana Culberson's Family Diagnosis

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Vicki Gunvalson‘s daughter Briana Culberson has shared numerous health claims during he time in the spotlight, and has stirred up controversy with her views about a ketogenic diet.

After she shared that her children were all undergoing diagnosis with the same medical condition, fan speculation skyrocketed. What’s going on with the Culbersons?

Vicki gunvalson briana culberson header

Credit: Bravo

Last year, RHOC star Briana Culberson shared via that her family was all in the process of being diagnosed with the same medical condition.

“Our 4 children are in the process of being diagnosed with the same medical condition which will make [sense] out of the symptoms they’ve been having,” Briana shared via Instagram at the time. “Our kids are doing really well with the changes so far…food is the biggest adjustment.”

Briana herself was diagnosed with lupus back in 2016, and has been vocal about her outlook on health, especially as it pertains to her diet and what she feeds her children. But Briana’s sweeping claims about her family’s dietary restraints have been controversial from the start, and now fans are speaking out about it.

Many fans on Reddit expressed wariness towards Briana’s strict dietary habits for herself and her family, with one calling Briana “a complete anti vaxx/ fad diet lunatic.”

Another joked: “Let me guess – the only cure to their disease is products sold from her MLM?” While yet another weighed in: “I’m sure it’s like ‘heavy metal poisoning’ or ‘chronic Lyme’ or ‘morgellons’ or some shut.”

Though Celebuzz was unable to find reports of Briana revealing her children’s diagnoses, she has recently revealed that she will be making a major change to her family’s dietary habits, which used to be a strict ketogenic diet.

“We had to pivot from keto to a clean, whole foods diet to help one of our sons with some new medical shtuff,” Briana shared on Instagram in January, according to “Our focus is on nutrient dense, clean food. Mostly animal based.”

She shared that her family’s meals now consist of “meat (mainly grass fed/grass finished beef) eggs, fruit, raw dairy, organic rice, sourdough bread, [and] some vegetables (limiting a lot of veggies to avoid gut irritation — look up defense chemicals in veggies and gut issues).”

“I’ve gotten some weird criticism about what we’re eating,” Briana shared on Instagram at the time. “It’s become so normalized to eat poorly. (I’m very guilty of that in the past — and was oddly enough insanely sick).”

“I’m the healthiest I’ve been since I was 16 years old,” she claimed. “My child is healing. Someone may be criticizing my simple nutrient dense meal as ‘too boring’ or ‘repetitive’ while eating highly inflammatory seed oils, drive thru chicken sandwiches with over 30 ingredients, food dyes, high fructose corn syrup, processed sugars.”

She made sure to add that “being intentional with our food choices is most important.”
