Overwatch Characters Fun Facts and Character History

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Overwatch, the globally acclaimed video game, has captivated millions of players with its diverse roster of 25 unique heroes. Each character boasts a rich backstory and a distinct set of abilities that contribute to the game’s exhilarating gameplay. In this article, we will delve into fun and fascinating facts about the Overwatch characters, shedding light on their development and the cultural impact they have made.

overwatch characters

Key Takeaways:

Stay tuned as we uncover more intriguing facts about the Overwatch characters that have left a lasting impact on the gaming industry and beyond.

Doomfist – Unexpected Addition to the Cast

Doomfist, the most recent addition to the Overwatch cast, was not originally intended to be in the game. The name Doomfist was initially just a throwaway title for a gauntlet and was not meant to be revisited. However, early concept art caught the attention of developers, leading to behind-the-scenes work on the character. Despite multiple teases, Blizzard surprised fans by releasing another character, Orisa, before officially introducing Doomfist.

As seen in the image above, Doomfist brings a powerful, close-range playstyle to the game. With his gauntlet, he can unleash devastating attacks and disrupt enemy formations. This unexpected addition to the cast added a new layer of excitement for players, as they eagerly awaited Doomfist’s inevitable arrival.

“Doomfist’s development process proves the importance of staying open-minded and exploring all possibilities. What started as a simple concept turned into a fan-favorite character with a unique design and gameplay.” – Jeff Kaplan, Game Director

The introduction of Doomfist showcased Blizzard’s commitment to continuously expanding the roster of Overwatch characters. This approach not only keeps the game fresh and exciting but also allows for a diverse range of playstyles and strategies. Doomfist’s addition to the cast further solidifies Overwatch as a dynamic and ever-evolving game.

Trivia: The Evolution of Doomfist’s Design

During the development of Doomfist, there were several iterations of his design. The original concept featured a more bulky and heavily armored character, while later versions showcased a sleeker and more agile appearance. Ultimately, the final design strikes a balance between strength and agility, reflecting the character’s playstyle and lore.

ConceptFinal Design
Doomfist ConceptDoomfist Final Design

Genji – One Hero Becomes Two

During the early stages of development, Genji and Hanzo were originally conceived as the same character in the world of Overwatch. Genji’s design featured Hanzo’s robotic body, donning his distinct clothing and wielding a bow. However, as the development progressed, the decision was made to split them into two separate heroes, each with their own unique identities and playstyles.

The choice to separate Genji and Hanzo into two distinct characters allowed Blizzard to delve deeper into their individual narratives and abilities, providing players with a more diverse and dynamic gameplay experience. Genji emerged as a cybernetic ninja, driven by his quest for redemption and armed with deadly katana strikes and shuriken projectiles. Meanwhile, Hanzo maintained his role as a master archer, showcasing his unmatched precision and discipline.

This division not only expanded the roster of Overwatch characters but also added depth to the lore and gameplay possibilities. Players now had the opportunity to embody the swift and agile Genji or the focused and deadly Hanzo, each with their own set of skills and tactics.

The Evolution of Genji and Hanzo

As the development of Genji and Hanzo progressed, certain design choices were made to ensure their unique personas would shine through:

Overall, the separation of Genji and Hanzo into two unique heroes allowed their characters to flourish and provided players with the opportunity to explore different playstyles within the realm of Overwatch.

Separated into two entities, Genji and Hanzo bring their own distinct flavors to the world of Overwatch, offering players a wide range of choices when it comes to gameplay and tactics.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the evolution of Genji and Hanzo with a table that highlights their key attributes:

GenjiCyborg NinjaSwift Strike, Deflect, Cyber-Agility, DragonbladeAgile, Close-quarters combat
HanzoMaster ArcherStorm Bow, Sonic Arrow, Storm Arrows, DragonstrikePrecision, Long-range combat

Genji and Hanzo in Action

Witness the dynamic gameplay of Genji and Hanzo in the world of Overwatch:


Now that we’ve explored the separation of Genji and Hanzo into two distinct characters, we can appreciate the depth and diversity they bring to the ever-expanding roster of Overwatch heroes.

McCree – Inspiration from Half-Life

McCree, one of the popular Overwatch characters, embodies the essence of cowboy heroes from old western films. From his rugged appearance to his sharpshooting skills, McCree captivates players with his iconic charm.

But did you know that McCree’s weapon, the Peacekeeper, is inspired by a classic firearm from another iconic game? The Colt Python, a notable weapon featured in Half-Life, served as a source of inspiration for McCree’s powerful revolver. This subtle nod to Valve’s influential game not only adds depth to McCree’s character but also showcases the attention to detail in Overwatch’s design process.

Overwatch players who are fans of both games will appreciate the homage to Half-Life and the connection it creates between these two beloved franchises.


Pharah – Evolution of Design

Pharah, one of the original characters designed for Overwatch, underwent a fascinating evolution during the development process. From its initial concept as a male character called “Rocket Dude,” Pharah’s design went through significant transformations before becoming the iconic blue-armored woman we see in the game today.

Originally envisioned as a male character, Pharah sported pilot-like attire and operated a Gundam-inspired mech. However, as the development team explored different design possibilities, they made the bold decision to reimagine the character as a female.

The developers realized the potential for Pharah to represent a strong and empowering female hero in the game, aligning with their commitment to diverse and inclusive character representation. The design was revised to create a distinct and visually striking blue-armored warrior, emphasizing Pharah’s aerial prowess and military background.

This transformation not only showcased the development team’s commitment to creating a diverse cast of characters but also highlights the importance of iteration and adapting designs to best represent the gameplay experience.


Original DesignFinal Design
Male characterFemale character
Pilot-like attireDistinct blue-armored warrior
Gundam-inspired mech

Reaper – Cut Feature from Cinematic Trailer

Reaper, one of the iconic Overwatch characters, underwent changes during the development process that led to the removal of a prominent feature. Originally introduced as a hero before transitioning to a villain, Reaper had an exciting ability in the game’s cinematic trailer that didn’t make it to the final version. In the trailer, Reaper’s shotguns not only fired bullets but also grenades, adding a deadly impact to his already fearsome arsenal.

Despite the impact it had in the cinematic trailer, this unique feature was never implemented in the game or showcased in any subsequent trailers, leaving players wondering why. The reason behind the removal of this intriguing gameplay mechanic remains unknown, adding an air of mystery to Reaper’s character and development process.

Reaper’s intriguing gameplay and character design have made him a fan-favorite. His dual shotguns, deadly teleport ability, and ability to become invulnerable with Wraith Form make him a formidable force on the battlefield. Although the grenade-firing feature seen in the cinematic trailer didn’t make it into the game, Reaper remains one of the most powerful and menacing characters in Overwatch.


Reaper’s Abilities

ShotgunsReaper dual-wields shotguns, dealing massive close-range damage.
Wraith FormReaper becomes a shadowy form, becoming invulnerable and able to move more swiftly.
Shadow StepReaper teleports to a targeted location within a certain range.
Death BlossomReaper unleashes a whirlwind of bullets, dealing devastating damage to nearby enemies.

Reaper’s unique abilities and chilling persona make him an essential part of the Overwatch roster. Despite missing out on the grenade-firing feature seen in the cinematic trailer, Reaper has become an iconic and feared character within the game, embodying the spirit of death itself.

Soldier 76 – Character Originating from Comic Book

Soldier 76, one of the main protagonists in Overwatch, has an interesting origin story. Designed to cater to traditional first-person shooter players, Soldier 76 was originally conceived as an unpublished character from a comic book. The final design of Soldier 76 closely resembles the comic version, with the only major difference being the absence of a ski mask. This showcases how Blizzard Entertainment incorporated existing ideas and concepts into the Overwatch universe, allowing players to connect with a character they may have already been familiar with.

Character NameOrigin Story
Soldier 76Designed as an unpublished comic book character

The development team at Blizzard recognized the potential of the character and successfully adapted him into the Overwatch game, bringing him to life in vivid detail. Soldier 76’s background as a former Overwatch agent, determined to bring justice to a war-torn world, resonates with players and adds depth to his persona. His appearance and abilities make him a versatile and formidable hero, capable of dealing both damage and support in intense battles.

With his iconic Pulse Rifle and Tactical Visor ultimate ability, Soldier 76 has become a fan-favorite in the Overwatch community. His emphasis on teamwork and strategic gameplay makes him an integral part of any well-rounded team composition. Additionally, his relatability and appeal to first-person shooter enthusiasts have contributed to his popularity both in and outside of the game.

Overall, Soldier 76’s journey from the pages of a comic book to the digital world of Overwatch exemplifies the innovative development process and creativity behind the game’s diverse cast of heroes. By drawing on existing concepts and refining them, Blizzard Entertainment has created a compelling and multi-dimensional character that continues to leave a lasting impact on players.

Soldier 76 character image

Sombra – The Nameless Hacker

Sombra, a hacker character with a complex backstory, is one of the intriguing Overwatch characters. What sets her apart from the other heroes is the lack of a public real name. Sombra deliberately erased her previous identity to ensure she couldn’t be tracked down. The mysterious nature of her namelessness adds an air of secrecy and manipulation, which perfectly aligns with her hacking abilities.

While many Overwatch characters have detailed backstories and known identities, Sombra’s development and backstory lean heavily on secrecy and the unknown. Her enigmatic persona captivates players and fuels speculation about her true identity.

“A clever diversion.” – Sombra

Sombra’s Development

The development process for Sombra was shrouded in secrecy, mirroring the character herself. Blizzard Entertainment, the creators of Overwatch, carefully crafted her backstory and abilities to align with her role as a highly skilled hacker. Sombra’s design reflects her clandestine nature, with a sleek and sophisticated appearance that echoes her proficiency in infiltrating networks and uncovering secrets.

From an early stage of development, Sombra was intended to be a formidable antagonist, using her hacking skills to manipulate the outcome of battles. Her abilities, such as disabling enemy abilities and teleportation, were carefully designed to enhance her role as a disruptor in the game.

The Power of Hacking

Hacking is a prominent theme in Sombra’s arsenal, and it serves as an essential gameplay component. Through her abilities, she can hack into enemy defenses, revealing their locations and vulnerabilities to her team. This strategic advantage can turn the tide of battles and create opportunities for victory.

Sombra Overwatch

OpportunistSombra can see low-health enemy heroes through walls, allowing her to target them for elimination.
HackSombra can hack enemies, disabling their abilities for a short period and granting her team a significant advantage.
StealthSombra can become invisible for a short time, allowing her to move undetected and set up surprise attacks.
TranslocatorSombra can place a teleporter beacon at her current location and use it to instantly return to that spot after a short delay.
EMPSombra can unleash an EMP, disabling all shields and barriers, rendering enemies vulnerable and disrupting their abilities.

Sombra’s unique set of abilities makes her a versatile and formidable hero. Whether she is infiltrating enemy lines or providing essential information to her team, her hacking skills make her a vital asset in the world of Overwatch.

By combining her mysterious backstory, intriguing development, and powerful hacking abilities, Sombra stands as a symbol of secrecy and manipulation within the Overwatch universe.

Bastion – The Genderless Omnic

Bastion, an omnic character, is a unique addition to the diverse cast of Overwatch characters. Unlike other heroes, Bastion is officially genderless, emphasizing the machine nature of its existence. This choice in design showcases Blizzard’s commitment to inclusivity and diversity within the game.

Despite being genderless, Bastion has a fascinating development and backstory that adds depth to the Overwatch universe. In its lore, Bastion is shown as a part of a line of war-ready units created by the Omnics, an artificial intelligence-based race. The hero version of Bastion is the last of its kind, seeking to explore the world without any preconceived programming, embodying a sense of innocence and curiosity.

Not only does Bastion’s genderless nature challenge traditional gender representations in gaming, but it also highlights the intricate storytelling and world-building aspects of Overwatch. By creating a genderless character, Blizzard has opened up new possibilities for character development and representation, making Bastion an integral part of the game’s diverse and inclusive cast.


Are there any fun facts about the Overwatch characters?

Yes, each Overwatch character has their own unique backstory and development process, resulting in interesting details and trivia about their creation.

How did Doomfist come to be a part of Overwatch?

Doomfist was initially just a throwaway title for a gauntlet in the game. However, after catching the attention of developers, the character was developed behind the scenes and eventually added to the cast.

Were Genji and Hanzo originally the same character?

Yes, during the early stages of development, Genji and Hanzo were intended to be the same character. However, the decision was made to split them into two separate heroes, resulting in Genji becoming a cyborg ninja and Hanzo remaining as a master archer.

Where did McCree draw inspiration for his design?

McCree, the cowboy hero in Overwatch, draws inspiration from old cowboy westerns. His weapon, the Peacekeeper, is also inspired by the Colt Python from the game Half-Life.

How did Pharah’s design evolve during development?

Pharah, one of the original characters, started as “Rocket Dude,” a male character with a pilot-like attire and a Gundam-styled mech. Over time, the design evolved into the blue-armored woman we see in the game today.

Was there a cut feature for Reaper in the cinematic trailer?

Yes, in the game’s cinematic trailer, Reaper’s shotguns were shown shooting grenades in addition to bullets. However, this feature was removed and never appeared in the game or subsequent trailers.

Where did Soldier 76 originate from?

Soldier 76 was originally an unpublished comic book character. The final design closely resembles the comic version, with the only major difference being the lack of a ski mask.

Does Sombra have a real name?

No, Sombra is the only hero in Overwatch who does not have a public real name. She deleted her old personality to prevent being tracked down, adding to her mysterious nature.

Is Bastion a genderless character?

Yes, Bastion is officially a genderless character. Referring to Bastion as “it” emphasizes the machine nature of the hero, despite having a rich backstory and being the last of its kind.
